Content of the Walking-In-Your-Shoes training


The Walking-In-Your-Shoes training is apt to get to know the method theoretically and, above all, in an intense way in order to be able to practice Walking-In-Your-Shoes in practice or in one's own courses to offer in the individual work. You can also use the training time, or mainly, for your personal development because you yourself will get many walks and will see many walking processes in others.

After completion of the currently four weekend blocks of the Walking-In-Your-Shoes training, you will be able to make further experiences in this method independently and self-responsible in their own circles or practice groups. Since a good WIYS process depends on competent leadership, frequent practice in different circles and groups is the focus of this training. Although training together in the regular training group is an indispensable element, it is only part of your "experience and development time" with Walking-In-Your-Shoes. If you want to use this method responsibly for your work, it is additionally necessary to take part in or set up a self-organized practice group between the training blocks and, after the training, to deepen the experience gained, to gain important, concrete practical experience to get. This can be done, for example, by a working and exercise circle and by regular visits and advanced training.

There is no final exam after the training. Rather, I presume and trust you to support, carry on, and continue the self-responsible, free, and untied of this method, as it is part of WIYS 'self-image. And because you act on your own responsibility, I can trust you to know when the time comes when you have enough experience and feel confident enough to offer Walking-In-Your-Shoes. Nobody else will be able to tell you that.

You can use our green Walking-In-Your-Shoes-Logo free of charge after your training. Because you and others are well educated, clients will associate this logo and the name "Walking-In-Your-Shoes" with a high standard. In addition, I recommend membership at to promote your services on the provider list and on free flyers. With the help of the institute, you can get in touch with other walkers, exchange experiences, get support, get discounts at institute events, or even conduct courses at the institute.


Content of the training

The contents of the training blocks are tailored to the respective training phase. This means that more theory and observation play a role in the beginning of the training, and that in the end more practice and own practice of your WIYS leadership in the group are important. Here I go to the own dynamics and the wishes of the participants of the group. Less I follow a strict training plan. Before starting the training, I recommend reading about Walking-In-Your-Shoes as a preparation and attending regular classes.

In the first block, I present the method in detail at the beginning, report on the origin and history and practically demonstrate it with several Walks. At the same time I start to consider the most important elements of a walking process and to demonstrate different ways of walking, e.g. Single Walk, Double Walk, Covered Walk, Decision Walk, Walks for Persons and Walks for Elements and Concepts. At the end of the first weekend, even the first brave ones can try a walking lead, even if it's perhaps a bit early. But you can not start early enough to gain experience and you are not alone. You can make it easy for yourself and, for example, to lead as a couple, and then you already have "stuff" that can be discussed in the first practice group.

For the subsequent blocks it has been found useful to discuss at the beginning of the weekend those questions and difficulties that have arisen in the self-organized practice groups in the meantime. Here is also a supervision walk as a connection possible if blockages or difficulties have emerged during a walk in the practice group. In the afternoon, the participants practice walking in the group. The second day is often suitable for introducing other types of walking and other topics and then practicing them practically in the group, e.g. Co-conduction, multiple walks, archetype walks, animal walks, multiple walks and, of course, practicing individual work. As the latter is asked more and more frequently in practice, we practice the work with just one client, ie work without a group. For this purpose, we simulate the situation of individual work in the training group.

After a walking-in-your-shoes direction from you, you will receive qualified feedback from the leader and individual participants in the group. That's how your work can be reflected. The feedback should motivate the leader and show him how the leadership felt, what more or less supported the client or Walker.