Advantages of membership


As a member you show your participants that your qualified work with Walking-In-Your-Shoes is recognized and certified by us. Accordingly, you are trustworthy in public and have the opportunity to advertise in a special way. At the same time, you can interact with other qualified members on many occasions.

As a member, you receive a 10% discount for events offered by the Institute for WIYS, conferences, annual meetings, etc. This also applies to books and DVDs.

As a member, you will be listed in our database for Walking-In-Your-Shoes. You have the opportunity to introduce yourself in a personal profile, to offer your services and create a link to the online-registration on your website (if available). Through this, many potential participants become aware of you and your work. Because the institute's homepage is heavily advertised, it also promotes your events and seminars, and represents a collection point for all WIYS activities. We support you and your participants trust your work.

You will get ideas and advice from us and you can contact us if you need help or support. E-mail us or choose the hotline of your country.

If you feel called to do so, you can support our work of networking and disseminating the Walking-In-Your-Shoes method. By joining us, you can help make Walking-In-Your-Shoes a real alternative in phenomenological work, either through working at the institute or through your support in specific areas. You can also offer fairs, courses, individual sessions, training, practice or study groups under the umbrella of the institute. Please contact us.

Please read our free online magazine "Walking is understanding" and actively participate in it with your own contributions or through collaboration.

If you send us a short info about your work and a short info about you, you'll get free, personal flyer for advertising in your practice.

If you work actively with Walking-In-Your-Shoes, and you would like to appear in the provider list with your profile (with photo, presentation, your bio, credentials, infos and your favorite literature), fully use all functions and services of the institute, get free personal flyer, as well as receiving training manuals and certificates for each of your trainees (if you are a trainer), the annual membership fee is 150 € for an "active" membership. If you are not actively working with Walking-In-Your-Shoes because you have a different focus in your work, but still want to be found in the provider list with your profile, get discounts, read the online magazine, and stay up to date, the annual membership fee 75.00 € for a "passive" membership. In case you simply want to be found by your contact info, the annual membership fee is 50 € for a "basic" membership.


By the way, you will NOT receive a (membership) number: your name is enough for us!

The Institute for WIYS also accepts donations for special support so that the institute can work successfully.