Walking Archetypes for Empowerment, Growth and Self Renewal.

29.06.2020, 09:00 - 01.07.2020, 17:00

Walking Archetypes is a three-day training course for WIYS facilitators about discovering and awak-ening Archetypal raw energy. During this retreat, a framework to understand the necessary steps in a transition process is introduced . You will also learn how to apply new experiences and insights to your own practice.


Land of Now
Veenweg 9 a
NL 9628 TW Siddeburen


Goof van Amelsvoort
Kreuzeveen 40
NL 8381 CN Vledder

00 31 614677754

More info



Day 1. Rebalancing the Ego Archetypes

Getting familiar with the Archetypes and the archetypal energy. We explore the personal Archetypes as well as the shadow sides and most healthy forms of archetypal energy. Every Archetype has a story and a journey to make in life.

We discover the archetypal pairings: how do sets of Archetypes work together?

Rebalance the preparation Archetypes (Archetypes of the Ego): The Innocent (my trust in people), The Orphan (my abandonment), the Caregiver (my compassion) and the Warrior (my strength and courage)


Day 2. Discovering the Soul Archetypes

We walk the Archetypes of the Soul (the Seeker, the Lover, the Destroyer and the Creator) and discover our calling, which expectations to get rid of, our passion, and our way to innovate our lives.

We also walk our personal Journey of the Soul.


Day 3. Awakening of the Self (Spirit) Archetypes

We walk the Archetypes of the Self (the Spirit) to awaken the energy of the Ruler, the Magician, the Sage and of the Fool/Jester.

We walk our power to contribute to a bountiful world by integrating the energy of the Ruler and the Magician.

We experience freedom by walking the Sage and the Fool as a pair, so creating the Wise Fool.

The return: we explore our personal gift to the world.