Continue online-registration "passive membership"
What does "passive membership" mean?
You don't offer Walking-In-Your-Shoes events, and you don't need to list workshops on the institute homepage. But as a certified practitioner you would like your profile to be found on the institute database, then it's a good idea to be a passive member.
We offer you the following
•You can use your profile (with photo, presentation, your bio, credentials, infos and your favorite literature) like a homepage,
and you don't need an own one
•You can enter and edit your profile yourself on the provider list
•Your profile will be found in the contact list
•You can create a link to your personal website
You will also receive the following service
•Free training videos in the login area
•You will receive the newsletter plus the online magazine and stay up to date
•The institute advertises WIYS and thus for every member. If you have suggestions for advertising opportunities,
please contact
•You will receive advice and support from the institute
•10% discount for institute events, as well as for books and DVDs
The membership fee is € 6.25 per month (€ 75 per year)
A prerequisite is a successful training with a trainer recognized by the WIYS Institute
This membership is also suitable as a first start and can be converted into an active membership at any time